WTF is Ray Antony a G.H. Pages Blog

Customer Service Social and Kid Gloves

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A few years ago a disgruntled former employee was inconsolable upset at my then partner, in his less crooked days (he looked hte same just happier). He wasn’t being treated with the kid gloves that I myself found to be necessary in all dealing with him. These kid gloves, and a lot of empathy and patience allowed me to go so far as to basically fire him, and quite nearly get him to move out of state, far away (paid by me personally) which is what you want. I acheived this with his word also I would be exempt from the blogs that he would inevitably write because he liked me.

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Maybe that’s because I don’t fake it when I kid glove, I find a way to make it sincere, maybe its an ability to empathize that I have a gift for. Maybe I don’t have a gift for it I just want to be good at it more than others do. Or maybe, everyone I work with is a goddamn lunatic or sociopath or some such affliction depriving them of emotional intelligence, thus I’m only good because I’m standing next to people particularly awful. I don’t know honestly, I just know I’m not bad it it, thats I think the humble answer.

It fell under my baliwick to design the customer service flow top to bottom in part because I had the patience for it and no doubt because my recovery rate is astounding, and unmatched by anyone in our industry, chargebacks are non-existent because I killed taking credit cards, cancellations and refunds are minimal because I put a stop to lying and misrepping when I officially took the reigns, turned a 1 percent renewal rate into closer to 30% annually, and got our bigest screamers to be calling my cell phone at all hours like they were my best friend. I would on those calls keep my commitments to them large or small which generally was some form of business counseling be it help with SEO, refining their lead process, rewriting their scripts for them if they were sales people and half were considering we were 50% Real Estate customers times a couple million dollars annually per office, and at peak about that in my main office.