wtf is rayantony
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde tells the story of a lawyer investigating the connection of two persons, Dr. Henry Jekyll and Mr. Edward Hyde. Chief among the novel’s supporting cast is a man by the name of Mr. Hyde, Dr. Jekyll’s effective master.
Though it is originally and quite obviously we imagine, pertaining to to the jekyll system and hyde theme, its inclusion or rather lack of deletion is do to the story’s applying as well to this blog in particular. The ‘ray antony git blog’, is in fact by rayantony’s master ‘ray anthony’ but through an unfortunate circumstance within the normal naming system eg bad timing, alas it must bear the unfortunate name of ‘ray antony’, of course missing that crucial consonant the cause of yet a new fracture to the self formerly and to be again, ray anthony. Yes, “a new anxiety to vex me”, you might say.
Confused? Aren’t we all… But, who is anybody really? And being in whole or in part the owner and operator of innumerable companies, startups, and corporations, innumerable aliases, 100’s of domains and respective accounts later, to tell up from down becomes suddenly, not so simple. You begin to question if ever there was even a time in which things were (simple, that is).