I hate vanity as I’ve said but I hav e to promote whats good about me because I’m regarded as worthless to banks, to everyone. ITs that or be negative which just telling the truth is that I try to not write at al and just work but I’m abuot to die ther are circumstances so far out of control and so bad its its just the end if I cant pulll one last miracle and given thats the situation ever month and every quarter it seems an honest to god miracle can be pulled out but enough is enough. its been years.
I’m filled with rage that I have to do this but I have to say something and I don’t know how else to get a message out theres too much, I guess I turned the other cheeck 100 or 2 many times and now I’m at the bottom of a hole with nothing and nobody, and I’m literally going to starve to death or die of disease or just heartbreak that it all ends this way. But I try and stay chipper when I can.
After all Charles didn’t know he was leaving me for dead stranded in Mexico. Intent matters and I think that although its a reach he probably did think he was paying me back for secretly running a “lavish lifestyle with a thriving side business” it doesnt matter tha no tonly did I not, I had in fact no food no cell minutes, an eviction notice and $11 and no bank account or business paraperwork of any type when I got bakc from Argentina. I wouldve starved and been on the streets of mexico, that was the beginning not the middle, other than our mutual business I had nothing. So I can’t fault him too much I guess he thought he was defending himself, thought I stole his car, thought I was doing all these side things and so of course he told my new partners on the only projects I pulled out of my ass that and then the iced me out too. He didn’t know that was the first month to pay the court for the ridiculous ticket that landed me in jail on christmas, or that my lawyer who I had to beg to go to bat for me was all the money I had and that I hid in shame with the lights out, using my vpn’s and ripping out sim cards so a bounty hunter doesnt kick in my door. It’s a goddamn traffic ticket you don’t figure this is the consequence, so certainly he’s not thinking about who he cost me everythign I did to fix it like I did nothing at all.
He probably has no idea that I didn’t have a lavish vacation in South America, it was a disaster we actually thought we were going to die I almost got a job as a ranch hand just to survive until I could afford to come back and spent half the time shopping country to country for a chrome boook or similarly priced sub $500 machine to work on charles’ project it was that important I not let him down or even be allowed to think I wasn’t interested. I know what a bitch he is all sensitive and shit. When he tried to take the dollarsmart deal for himself behind my back he probablythought I took it from him. I have no doubt he didn’t see that 100% of the revenue was already being sent to him and that I was working for free while in my desperate state because that sounds crazy and stupid. When he went and built his own keyword network I believe that he really believed I didn’t have one done for us. Built beginning after he already diverted any money to his own acounts. I did it on my own dime with promises, favors and working my ass off and $10 in my pocket. Dollarsmart, Keywords 3.0 multi browser for the first time, reps hired for sales on his project, a built a whole team from scratch in a matter of days without even a bank account to pay out of yet, and of course when he went for FHI how could he know that it was worth so much money. Oh yeah because I told him? I believe he did forget that and that I gave him a vpn, playboys from 3 or 4 south american countries, and 50% of the profit of whatever I had from keywords and FHI the rest went to building a whole new company since he iced me out of my own, but I did that for us both cut him in to prove it, and the other 50%? Yeah I gave that away too it went to a partner overseas and it was 10% of what I owed him, I didnt keep a single penny. MY reward for that fantastically unbelievable gesture of generosity? he kicked me right back into the hole I moved mountains to get out of and then told the world I’m a drug addicted car thief, an embezzler, a liar, a “teenager” and a “black hole of money”.
Yup, and I’m leaving so much out to spare you! He’s monstrous no doubt and you need that edge sometimes in business but I think he has something some diseaase or mental breakdown, because he’s not this mean he’s just deluded himself that all these things are so not important they are not even worth remembering. I’m going to fucking freeze to death sleeping on the street or get arrested breaking into a car for warmth thats how isolated this has left me I have nowhere to turn, he has the bank accounts, my tax docs, every email and phone number and the archives of both and the only access to all communications. I am beyond fucked, I don’t even have an id.
It wasn’t much, but I covered gave him porn, privacy(as a then critical business tool), and a wad of cash and my promise. So yeah I can see why a couple weeks later he left me to die took everything, and lied to everybody tanking every relationship, taking or tanking every deal. In fact when I limped along and stayed alive and restored what I could afford to I bet in mid august last year he has not a clue his big mouth shut off my biggest back door with which I not only can take everything I built back which I this time the ecommerce site has literally clocked a million in cash at 70% profit, I was a week away from establishing legal ownership and poof. He got $2k, more than I got for the next 6 months. and 1/200000th of what I had to watch slip through my fingers just because if his fucking mouth. But I know half of it he doesn’t remember and the other half he doesnt think matters. He didnt gun for me, he tried to milk the situation and took $2k instead of splitting a million with me. and as a result he cost me my share. which I built only after he left me penniless.