Real Name
Why @RayAntony , not @RayAnthony or even @RayKooyenga ? and exist because my real identity and the proper spelling of my name are not available.
As luck would have it legally I own it and logically I should be able to access it and administer it at my discretion with relative ease given that my business owns it.
ownership confusion
So what’s the problem?
The problem is that my business partner has taken what was ours and made it his. Just try to picture Donald Trump, and his We’re going to grab, and grab, and grab” speech.
Yeah it was kind like that I suppose. Not much ado was made over the innumerable consequences I might face large or small. And well I suppose I would rank this as small, in the big picture. But Very annoying.
I could do without appearing to have the grammar and spelling skills of a 3rd grader, now that I’m 35ish. That’s all I’m saying.
Public perception, misconceptions, and missed marketing and social opportunities are obvious issues with using this. As the core function of most of my businesses over the decade has revolved around Internet Marketing, its not lost on me the value of the opportunity cost.
Hard to not think about when things come up on a social coding site like a minor contribution to a DOD/government project which crossed paths with my own federated analytics undertaking at the time so whover the f** ray *Antony is, well he’s closer to getting recruited than the real me.