weird random content
As far as I’m concerned if someone came looking for me or chancing upon this id and repo and left thinking that was just some weird guys nonsense rambling, that’s a best case scenario. Because the things I’ve been forced to stash in plain view under alternate names is well shocking.
I’ll admit I have a strange habit of posting odd things wrought with misspellings, grammatical errors, often while not looking at the screen or the keyboard. Sometimes that’s because I don’t care, yes. And obviously in most cases like that not considering an audience. I’m not ‘not successful’ you know, I did not have a moment of delusion and actually think that such things are after careful study, the best way to attract, and engage people with, and commence to create them. In fact I probably was trying to achieve what I did in the hopefully rare case of someone coming across it on this blog or literally a thousand other places in a span of a year or 2.
Yes its an unfortunate habit for a marketing guy but yes detracting people is a bigger consideration sometimes, so is time. So minimal hurried random stream of consciousness and oddly humoured content littered with personal jokes and references are pretty much what circumstances like this, call for. What circumstance? Well a blog in front of a code repository, one that might need to publicly stash keys or be a go between buffering identities transacting assets that are of high value and or at high risk, well what else would you do? Sometimes not filling out a silly blog is enough to make the decision without you to terminate your account so you blabber some nonsense.